Once sold in millions many John Creasey books are now surprisingly hard to find.
Creasey was so prolific that a comprehensive catalogue of his work has never been completed. Even the man himself lost count of the number of titles that he wrote. This online resource aims to bring together collectors from all over the world who, most importantly, enjoy reading Creasey books! Do you think you have read all the books about The Toff? How about The Toff and the Crooked Copper? Never heard of it? How about a romance, western or short story? Creasey wrote all of these and more, often under one of his many pseudonyms.
Have you got a spare copy of a Creasey book? Would you like to sell it to a fellow collector who will appreciate it or swap it for a title you have never read? This is the place to do it! The site is very new so please bookmark this page and call back often. Long term the site will contain a synopsis of each book and cover scans, plus any other relevant details. The other sections will be enhanced with more detail – with the long-term goal being producing a lasting legacy for the works of John Creasey.
My name is Richard Robinson, and I have long been an avid collector of the works of John Creasey, and have become increasingly aware of both the number of collectors out there, and the lack of a definitive reference. Hope you enjoy the attempt to fulfil the aims – and let me have your comments – and offers of help. Thanks to fellow collectors for their input especially Carys Kilkelly my 'editor'.
Special thanks to John Creasey's son Richard for his valuable support including copyright permission.